Two aspects play a crucial role in the storage of agricultural products: eco-friendly packaging that is free of organisms, and good ventilation and climate control. That requires the smart use of ISPM-certified wood and specialised knowledge of cooling and storage systems. Our custom eco-storage systems unite those two qualities. These flexible and reliable packaging solutions allow you to benefit from the cost-efficient and sustainable storage of agricultural products such as potatoes, onions and carrots.

Eco-storage system of certified wood

For our eco-storage systems, we use ISPM 15-certified spruce wood from responsible forests in Northern Europe. The special heat treatment that the wood undergoes guarantees it is free of organisms such as fungi. This is good for the food stored in agricultural wood boxes as well as for the environment. In fact, cleaning with chemicals is completely unnecessary. Yet another advantage: Northern European spruce wood lasts longer.

Industrial packaging for agricultural machinery

In addition to eco-storage systems for growers, we also create custom industrial packaging for suppliers to the agricultural sector, such as agricultural machinery manufacturers.

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